MILLERGROUP surveillance teams are utilized to address a variety of situations including the following:

  •     Anti-Stalking - to document inappropriate pursuit, supplement personal and physical security, assist in revealing the existence or non-existence of inhibitors to violence, and deter future intrusions.

  •     Workplace Violence - to supplement security measures and gather information critical to threat assessment.

  •     Close Protection - to supplement executive protection details.

  •     Litigation Intelligence - to gather evidence relevant to a wide range of legal issues.

  •     Corporate Fraud and Industrial Espionage - to document suspect activity.

Our surveillance teams are expert in this highly technical and sensitive area, including utilization of the latest still and video camera equipment, and have amassed over 20,000 hours of field experience.

MILLERGROUP Surveillance

Santa Monica | Malibu | Pacific Palisades | Culver City | Bevery Hills | Los Angeles | Burbank | Sacramento | Park City